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Published by Jeff Long

February 27, 2014


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WSBTV Channel 2 News Reports on a "Park Stealer"...I mean, a "House Stealer"


I received a letter this week from a close friend of Susan Weidman, on trial in Cobb County for "house stealing" gives food for thought about recent legislative efforts to turn Adverse Possession into a crime.



I completely agree with ThoughtProvoker on this issue. You can read it here:


For one, Adverse Possession is the whole reason that the Georgia legislature is currently trying to pass a Bill to "make 'house stealing' a felony".  It's not because the law "wasn't doing its job", but because the law allowed it but local counties refused. 


What is "house stealing?" Can someone steal a neighborhood? A block? How about a "park stealer"? And we're not talking about mobile homes here.


I sincerely doubt the Georgia legislature will be able to pass a Bill that obliterates all of civilized history since the time of's always been about making good use of the land and property when no one else holds a legitimate claim to it. How many Americans are now living near abandoned houses while companies build entirely new developments?


It's called Adverse Possession, and all 50 states decide how, not whether, to legislate its reward - ownership. Texas has a form to fill out in these cases. Other states (like Georgia) make you come up with your own, if you want to be "clear" about your required "open, notorious possession" of property.


The law does not require that a lawyer or esquire file the document. I find it very telling that one article indicates how happy the banks are with the Georgia legislature. (Maybe there will be fewer banker so-called suicides than the seven we've seen over the last 3 weeks?) In Susan Weidman's case, the document the county called "fake" was only "fake" because it wasn't backed by a local lawyer. They thought she'd be an easy target, and underestimated her. I know better. When Susan says "You should read this", I take her word for it. I know her personally.


The county obstructed justice here by NOT walking next door to the county records office or going online to look at the county deeds and examine the fraud surrounding these homes before indicting her (or just watching 60 minutes to learn of the underage robo-signers in Alpharetta). It's called Due Diligence. It's why they are elected. It's their solemn oath of office.


I am aghast that the police who testified in this case that they did not know about Adverse Possession law. Wouldn't that be an important part of one's least for those who are sent in to evict?


As for Mr. "Capone...buddy" who claims that one of the "so-called renters" was threatened by her, Susan is a long time friend of mine, (she has opened her home to me several times, and I knew her also when she was caring for her husband when he was fighting against a brain tumor)...your comment is laughable....That would be SO FAR out of character for her....Susan would only say such a thing if auditioning for a mafioso Broadway play for a role as a female version of Humphry Bogart ..."Doan worry 'bout it!" But she's more likely to covet the role of Evita or Margaret Thatcher.


As for "signing a judge's signature, see for yourself what they call a "signature". (I've pasted it below). Does anyone have a clue?




















Shouldn't a signature look a little like Corsiva, or Lucida Sans Script? Or...would you believe..."a squiggly"? 

There is also no spot on this publicly-available document for a SIGNATURE. So, fill out the public form, and you go to jail?


It just has a field in which to place the name of the United States Judge who knows about the case, or "Witnesseth" it. This is what Cobb's District Attorney waived around several times in court this week to indicate that she committed forgery. Calling THAT forgery, is dishonest, and doesn't sound like the pastoral, "boy scout" behavior that a AJC's news article published about District Attorney John Melvin by Andria Simmons in March of last year when they locked Susan Weidman up without bond for nearly a year. Susan's take: this man is forced to wear two hats in order to keep his job.


Even if it were a Signature, this would be so far out of Cobb's jurisdiction that it seems fraudulent for the county to attempt to address. As such, the District Attorneys appear to be pursuing cases just to fill their time....can we coin a new phrase here, like "siren chasers"? I think it would benefit the county much more to spend their time and efforts defending people against these banks, and not the other way around....but there's not as much money or power in that. The judges' and indeed all public officials have their retirement in bank stock. It would appear that they have been bought off through their public employee IRA's.


I understand; we all must eat. But if counties throughout Georgia continue on this road to outlawing only citizens' attempts at Adverse Possession while rolling out the red carpet for banks to do so by renting the houses through an umpteenth "subsidiary" after having adolescents sign them away, then many fear that history will show one day that Atlanta is where America was given away.



Marietta News, Susan Weidman, John Melvin, Cobb County, Realty Fraud, Georgia Legislature, Judge Poole

Marietta News

Cobb County

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