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What we do

Ask us to broadcast your story and, if you wish, research the details of your concern. With, or without your own attorney, we can point you in the right direction and help eliminate the spin of bureaucrats that don't care.

Checking Sources
Best Intentions

We have no ill-intention to "trash" any individual or business or government enterprise. Any names used on this website will be informational, and not for the purposes of incriminating, slandering, or ostracizing any of the aforementioned entities.


Nevertheless, we wish to create an environtment in which individuals feel free to express their legitimate concerns to their community, and hold public officials accountable for their actions.


(Please use necessary restraint in your comments to encourage meaningful dialogue and action.)


Use our Contact form to provide your input.

While over the last several decades many of us have seen an improvement in civil liberties, some pockets of injustice still exist, and the media has essentially coluded to conceal these injustices.


Like former Soviet-controlled States, injustices have grown by means of institutionalizing deceitful practices and misinformation.


Our pledge is to seek out these "pockets of  injustice" and face them head-on, fighting fire with fire - shedding light on the pro-bank media spin.

With over 23 years of research experience, we have learned to check sources carefully, and read between the lines of what individuals and our community is being told to accept, "just because."


Please tell us your story so that we may check the sources for you, and help blow the whistle on corruption without disclosing your private information.


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